Studying under Vittorio was the best thing I could have done. Lost in the hysteria of Deconstructivist era, or Achitalkture, as Vittorio liked to refer to this dogma of design, I didn't know what I was getting into when signing up for his class. I didn't sign up for my classes soon enough, and all the Columbia and Cooper Union type professors were taken up. Who should I choose? I recall seeing really "cool" images as far as Vittorio's work, so I decided to give it a shot. Well, day 1 of Vittorio, I learned that it was all about learning how to walk before you can run. Around 2 years ago, I began studying Brazilian Jiu Jitsu; something I have become passionate about. In visiting and shopping around a few Dojos, I recall seeing a sign at one school saying, "Check your egos at the door". Basically, the intent of the sign was to state that no one is superior to anyone else and that we are all here to learn; something so very true in Vittorio's class. It was refreshing and inspiring when taking Vittorio's class, because you only gained his respect through hard work. I recall other professors who during a critique would favor one student's work over another, because that student was better able at VERBALLY conveying his or her concept. What sort of nonsense is this? If I could have done it differently, I would have cut all the fat out of my curriculum and I would have taken Vittorio for all my years of design studio. I learned so much worthwhile information from him that I find very applicable in the real world. Sadly, with the very expensive Pratt tuition, could you believe Vittorio was the first person who truly taught me how to layout a floor plan and how to relate that plan to its section? As Vittorio would say, "Watta Peety" (What a pitty) Let's all try to keep his legacy going!